Practical Life

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The practical life area teaches concentration, coordination, independence, and order. Practical life activities help the children care for themselves and the environment, learn social graces, and develop their fine motor skills which are building blocks to reading and writing. These materials deal with everyday life such as serving their own snacks, washing dishes, watering plants, and many more fun activities that help them to take care of themselves and their environment.

Sensorial Exploration

Click this link for a personal explanation of Sensorial by Miss Donna:

The sensorial curriculum is designed to help children focus their attention more carefully on the physical world, exploring with each of their five senses. Through special Montessori materials the children work with height, depth, geometric figures, sound, taste, and other hands-on activities.


Click this link for a personal explanation of Language by Miss Donna:

Language hands-on activities consist of matching letters, matching objects, matching sounds with letters, and many more activities that use the phonetic approach to reading.


Click this link for a personal explanation of Math by Miss Donna:

The Math area is made up of hands-on learning materials that graphically show what is taking place in a given mathematical process.  The educational materials allow students to learn abstract concepts clearly and concretely, through the use of the pre-math and math materials. That arrange from recognizing numbers all the way through the Decimal System and beyond.


Click this link for a personal explanation of Geography by Miss Donna:

The geography curriculum begins with an introduction to our world using land, air, and water exercises, sandpaper globes, land and water forms and continent puzzle maps. Later lessons will include introductions to continents and cultures of the countries.


Click this link for a personal explanation of Science by Miss Donna:

The science curriculum begins with classification exercises including living/non-living, plants/animals, vertebrates/invertebrates and animal family studies – Fish, Amphibian, Reptile, Bird and Mammal. Other science exercises include magnetic/non-magnetic, floating/sinking and solar system lessons.